
Learn skills in coaching and managing staff, marketing, developing event proposals, bids and programs, developing sponsorship programs, managing projects, finance and budgeting, implementing and monitoring business systems and providing on site management of events. You will also learn about the legal requirements for work in this area.

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Gain skills to enable you to work as a qualified baker in a large scale plant bakery, hot bread shop, pastry shop, or in a hotel bakery.

Activate your career in events

Events enrich our culture and are held to educate, celebrate, inform and entertain.


Turn your passion for food into your future profession, tap into your true potential and become a leader in the kitchen.

These qualifications will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to plan, organise, prepare and cook food in a commercial kitchen...

If your friends call you a born organiser then turn that natural talent into a career

Learn skills in coaching and managing staff, marketing, developing event proposals, bids and programs, developing sponsorship programs, managing...

If you like working with people from all walks of life and like to travel, a hospitality qualification will give you skills that can take you...

The meat retailing industry sector requires some multi-skilling.

This course provides the practical skills and knowledge to sell goods to customers in retail and wholesale establishments.

Want to work with people visiting Australia, providing advice or showing attractions?

Page last updated August 22, 2016