Home | Course | Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot)

Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot)

National ID: AVI30419 | State ID: BES9

Do you want to become a remote pilot of an aircraft? Technology has advanced to bring a new era of piloting that can improve the efficiency and safety of almost every industry you could wish to work in.

A drone is a robotic aircraft controlled remotely and drone piloting has become an in-demand skill that can open the door to many rapidly evolving fields. Gain skills for roles such as a Commercial Licensed Drone Pilot, which is integral to performing many important operations requiring an ‘eye in the sky.’ Drones can facilitate delivery of medical and food supplies to remote areas and assist in emergency situations such as bushfires or shark spotting and military support. The agricultural, mining, oil and gas industries use drones to for surveying and wildlife conservation, and drones also have high creative capability for photography for weddings and tourism.

Note: this is a professional qualification and not a recreational qualification; this course provides you with training to legally operate a remotely piloted aircraft. This qualification will also permit you to fly without many of the operating restrictions applied to recreational users.

Your qualification prepares you for roles such as:

Air Transport Professional | Commercial Drone Pilot

Further Study Option(s)

Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence - Aeroplane)

Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence - Helicopter)

Course overview

North Metropolitan TAFE logoView this course on North Metropolitan TAFE's website

  • Not competitive
  • No selection criteria
Location Duration Competitive Selection criteria
East Perth One semester Yes Academic achievement and work history
South Metropolitan TAFE logoView this course on South Metropolitan TAFE's website

East Perth

Location Duration Competitive Selection criteria
Fremantle 8 weeks No No selection criteria

Please contact the college to receive an indicative price for this course.

Page last updated September 04, 2024